June 15, 2005

Just Complaining

So this is just a blatant bitch.

I know this chick, and I was thrown into the unfortunate situation where I actually had the displeasure of having to talk to her the other day. She’s a fairly attractive individual, so long as she doesn’t open her mouth. And it’s not that she has an unpleasant voice either, it is that she is unbearably stupid.
But what makes it worse is she is a college graduate, looking to go into grad school, and there are several species of bats that have higher evolved intellects than this girl.

So anyway she was studying for a test, the math test you need to get into grad school. And she asks a question aloud ‘what the hell is a prime number?’.
I should have ignored it. But math is an interest of mine, and I like to be helpful.
‘a prime is any number that can only be divided by itself & one.’ I supplied helpfully.
(for those who don’t know me it might be helpful to add I have green hair as I think it was a factor in her responses)

She gave me a look, like a monkey had learned to talk. And then proceeded to ask someone else, who said the same thing I did.

Now that is pretty insulting, but I figure what the hell.

So out of some desire to be nice I ask what she got her degree in.

‘economics’ she says.

Well now I’m kinda confused, I mean I always assumed economics would require some sort of math competency, so I asked her about what kind of math she had to take for that major.

‘well,’ she says ‘we deal with formulas.’

I’m thinking to myself ‘no fucking shit? I recently heard the English language dealt with words, but I can’t be fucking sure!’

But I say ‘umm, well, yes, but what sort of formulas?’ I genuinely want to know out of curiosity for the field of economics, not interest in this vapid waste of space.

‘it’s kind of complicated’ she says looking at me like I’d never be able to comprehend anything that had to do with higher education, ‘it deals with slopes & stuff.’

again I’m thinking ‘no way, really? Next you’ll be telling me the English language uses nouns!’

at this point I’m annoyed, so I retort ‘most formulas involve things like slopes, I was wondering what sort of math background was required for economics, I was a math major so I’m curious about these sort of things.'

She finally catches on to what I’m asking, and that I’ll understand the answer.

Now this was an odd sensation, I’ve never actually talked to someone who assumed I was ignorant based upon a physical characteristic. Even odder for it to come from one of the dumbest people I’ve met. I weep for the university system that decided that her mind was of a high enough caliber to be considered ‘educated’

Mostly I was annoyed that she could afford college when smart folk everywhere can’t.

Fuck it



Chase Edwards Cooper said...

Ask her for her opinion on the concept of opportunity cost, using an example of arrogant yet attractive women who decide to pursue higher education over a career in the porn industry.

Anonymous said...

I know this has nothing to do with what you wrote, but I just stopped by to say hi. I haven't seen you in a very long time. I never go to the underground or "sticks" anymore, because I moved to Well's. I know ...yippee! Any-who, I hope all is well with you.
xcyberslutx on livejournal.com

DeHuman8 said...

i think my problem is that i like the idea that if you have an education, then it means something. but today any idiot with a bankroll can get their book learnin'.