January 31, 2005


I’m a bastard. Not the born out of wedlock type, the other type. You know what I’m talking about. But lately I’ve forgotten that. I’ve been acting like it’s all gonna be OK. Well fuck, we all know that’s a big fucking lie. (side note to people who say ‘if you have to swear then you’ve already lost’…if, in your opinion, a series of phonetics in the form of an adjective automatically devalues a statement then you’ve got MUCH bigger issues to deal with. You fuck)
Anywho, it’s not gonna be OK. The world is so insurmountably fucked at this point that nothing is going to make it better. We’re surround by selfish and greedy on the top and the dregs are the stupid & inept. The stupid & inept breed at such astounding rates, that I foresee a future filled with mouth breathers stacked like cordwood in our urban areas. I myself refuse to breed, I WILL not be so irresponsible as to bring another human life into this cess-pit we call home. (sorry to you breeders out there, but why would you want to bring a child that you will love into such a world?).
So I got pissed off at some dumb cunt the other night, psicron was there beside me when this happened. We were talking about some inconsequential thing (face it EVERYTHING we talk about is inconsequential) and there was some dumb bitch standing beside us. Some how man love came up, and the whore pipes in ‘two boys together is the most disgusting thing there is’ or some such I responded that asphalt was disgusting, she said yes asphalt was disgusting but man on man was the most disgusting thing there is. Fucking piss me off. Now you can tell just from looking at this bitch that she’d been plowed up the ass more than once. So she’s the last one to pass judgment for getting a dick there. So I told her I didn’t like her and left. But it's these ignorant prejudices that fucking piss me off, people blithely judging others choices, choices THAT DON’T AFFECT ANYONE ELSE!!! Fucking shut the fuck up if you are the sort who holds these sorts of pre-conceived notions of ‘right’ & ‘wrong’ as a god given mandate, and put down your fucking bacon cheese burger heathen!
Ah well, I got side tracked
Fuck it

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember that. What a useless waste she was.

I could care less what someone does with someone else, just as long as it doesn't happen to me in prison...I mean, I am not going to prison right? Dammit.

I agree, but it is the beacons of light of the people we know (and like) that gives me hope in the revolution.