February 03, 2005

what's it worth?

You know every thing of worth in my life was free. Not free of my time or my labor but it cost no money. My memories are built entirely on the times I spent with my friends. Not the money I made to spend, hell some of my most enjoyable years were the 4 years of my life where I worked a total of 12months & made in those 4yrs less than 15000, total. Friends are the spice of life the only meter to hold yourself against. Who has led a more successful life? A millionaire with no one, or myself with my good friends? (me rich would be the best of all worlds of course) money is such an inconsequential annoyance in this game of life. I get what I need. I don’t put any real effort into making more, because I don’t care enough to. I most likely never will.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are only as free as you want to be.

Free yourself and you'll be flapping in the breeze!

Oh wait, not that kind of freeing. ;)