December 29, 2004

america, the world's ostrich

a co-worker said something yesterday that really bothered me, she was reading about the tsunami on and her comment was 'i really hate how these news stations have to put such depressive pictures on their sites, i mean i want to read about it, i don't want to see it.' to make matters worse, many people started agreeing with her. this is fucking real life people, not a god damned book! these things happen life is filled with tragedy, despair, and all sorts of 'unpleasant' occurrences. pull your heads out of the sand people, and look around.

i'm willing to bet, that, if more amercians had actually looked at the world around them, 9/11 wouldn't have occurred. but no, we wrap ourselves in a cocoon of soft cotton, insulating ourselves from the rest of the world. creating delusions for ourselves, that somehow by right of birth we ARE smarter, stronger, better than everyone else. everyone else in this world lives, loves, cries & dies JUST LIKE US. we are no better, just richer.
to all you relatively poor american folk, what do you think of those rich kids? born with a sliver spoon in their mouth, acting like they're better than you just because they were born into the 'right' family. they piss you off don't they!
well, here's a news flash for you- we are that rich kid to the rest of the world! that's how we act toward other countries. we are spoiled rotten brats who don't know how to think of any thing but ourselves.

we americans are self centered, arrogant, undereducated bunch of buffoons and we need to wake the fuck up!

so look at the world around you, and try to understand.
we are not alone, we just pretend that we are.


1 comment:

DeHuman8 said...

can i gets an amen?