December 31, 2004

my essay....

for anyone who is confused, today's post is in response to:
Physical vs Spiritual Pain

spiritual pain is nothing more than your mind telling you that your life is too fucking easy. if, for example, you spent everyday running from lions & trying to dig up edible roots with your bare hands, you wouldn't have time, nor energy, to be depressed. in a very darwinian sense we're wired for survival, but we're not really wired for 'top of the food chain' survival. we're food for things. so our minds are designed for stress, that's how we survived, always worrying if ed's got ate, marge ate something poisonous, or you'll even survive the day. this is hundreds of thousands of years worth of genetic coding. 5k years of being citified sure as hell can't over-ride it.

as to why does physical pain seem to help spiritual pain?
here's my guess. first, periodically, your genetics put you into 'survival' mode kickin out tons of funky hormones & brain chemically bits. now, since there is no life/death situation, our minds have to interpret these chemicals flying around in our heads. so we have this stimuli, that says we should be in danger, our intellect over-rides this because it knows it's safe. hence we feel disappointed, sort of chemically let down, thus depression. we feel better, in these circumstance, when we suffer physical pain because or minds rationalize that our initial 'survival' mode batch of chemicals was justified.

just a ad-hoc guess.

-done makin' shit up

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