March 08, 2005

Arise my faithful servants!

Back from the deadening. I’ve been absent due to extreme burnout on life. Do you ever get so frustrated with living day in day out in a repetitive cycle? Get up, go to work, deal with bullshit from people you have no desire to be talking to, go home, relax in whatever fashion suits you, go to bed, get up, go to work, deal with bullshit from people you have no desire to be talking to, go home, relax in whatever fashion suits you, go to bed ad-nausium. Only going to work to get money to enjoy the time you are not at work, working more so you have more money to enjoy less time. Fucked up. Nearly everyone is working a job that they can’t stand, the lucky ones can tolerate their jobs. That’s right your LUCKY if you DON’T HATE your means of sustenance. What the fuck. How in the 9 hells can you count yourself lucky for being able to only tolerate fully 23.8% of your life, 35.7% of your waking life sucks! More than 1 out of every three hours sucks. And for what, a handful of paper, painted up like a bunch of dead men? The christian right is abducting our right to not believe as they do, so that we all can be converted to fanatic drones. No, no, don’t think, that is against the law now, for you may see the flaws in our creationism, our idols are the only art that you can now produce, and please don’t forget to pray. What? You don’t pray, well, failure to pray is now a mandatory 5-10 in the federal penitentiary. And that child begot on you by your dad, when he was drunk, and thought you looked o-so cute, well, you’re going to have to have it. But don’t expect help from the government, after all, being a single mom is a sin and the state can’t support that sort of behavior. Hold on one second, there’s a country filled with dirty heathens we’ve got to bomb. What were you saying? Wait, you’re a dirty heathen too, aren’t you? well, well, well, we’ve got wonderful places for you heathens, they’re re-integration camps, they’ll teach you how to be a good christian, we haven’t had a good success rate, but those who fail don’t seem to last too long anyway. But that’s alright, they were destroying god’s green earth by their mere presence.

Anywho, fuck work

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Welcome back. :)

The thing about work is, it's work if you hate it. You wouldn't call it work if it was something you enjoyed doing.

You might call it a job or career or hobby or something but makes you money to live off of.

Until then, it sucks and being a better christian will help you blind yourself to your earthly suffering so the rich can rape and pillage you for your long miserable existence.

Fun fun.