March 09, 2005

A Public Service Announcement

Just to let you all know, there is no god. So you can all breath a little easier knowing that there is no afterlife. You will not suffer millions upon millions of years in eternal torment for eating pork or other nonsense. You are held accountable only by your own self restraint & the restraints put upon you by society. No mighty angel shall hold a sword to your throat for your transgressions. Your sins are for you alone (and occasionally a jury). The only evil you need fear is the evil in yourselves & your fellow man (and maybe a rabid badger or two). So know that this world sucks, not because of a sadistic puppet master lording over all, but because you and I suck. it is all our fault. No one else is to blame (well, maybe bush). So I give credit where credit is due, this world is fucked up because we collectively cannot get our heads out of our collective asses.

Thank you, have a nice day.


Unknown said...

Well, at least you wished me a nice day. ;)

DeHuman8 said...

and you deserve it!