April 18, 2005

Shockheaded Peter

Ok so NYC wasn’t bad, we went down to see shockheaded peter. it is a wonderfully twisted musical translation of Struwwelpeter preformed by the tiger lillies. i went down with my sig. other, her child & brother, and the show was great.
one of the funny things about it is it's been getting great reviews. however, most of the people, who read the reviews, are not equiped to deal with something like this. it's too, well, creative for them to understand (I know, belittling and a broad generalization, it'd take a whole new post to get into). so,anywho, there were these 2 'well-to-do' couples sitting behind us, mid to late 50's. the women sat together, each trying to prove thay they were the most vapid. while the men sat trying to 'one up' each other on real estate market value knowledge. pointless people really, but i knew they had no idea what they were in for. after about 2 hours of wonderful 'theater of the perverse', for children, sort of. it was done, and the couples behind us begin asking the kid if she liked it. well, the kid loved ever second of it, and told them so, at great length. the thing about it is, in the lobby, waiting to buy CD's one of the women came up again. and in condescention, that was a bit over the childs head, asked again it she REALLY liked it (as if child was making it up to please the adults) so the kid broke out in sing-song from the play as proof that she liked it. heh, fucking uptown twat, a 6-year old has more taste than you. and some people teach their kids to have their own opinions, not just mimic their parents.

anywho, i'm not sure if i wrote this coherently or not, couldn't proof read for clarity

no more wisdom, it's joind the chewy bits to the side under prIncIpIa dIscordIa.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad you had fun, even in NYC. :)