May 03, 2005

Disjointed Ramblings

It is incredibly hard to willingly descend into madness. To allow, or to force, consciously a sane mind (well, relatively sane) to break into a thousand shards, pieces that cannot be reassembled. I can’t go crazy. Not through mere will alone. And I think that many people try and drive themselves mad, often through artificial artifices. Things like excessive drug, or alcohol use, self destructive habits that batter & abuse their bodies, all in search of the pristine moment of illumination as you sit, for that brief moment straddling sanity & insanity. A moment that all becomes clear, before fracturing into incomprehension.
Madness was thought, by many cultures, to be the result of having seen the face of god or a god, but maybe it is the ultimate face of man. The prophets are often referred to as mad, having seen the face of god, they then spoke that we were in his image. When really all they saw was the ultimate face of man.
Descending into madness is not an easy thing to do. though many would likely already call me mad, I have never entered into a world shadowed by illusion. Tipping over the edge of reality, it just sounds oodles of fun. All reason & responsibility lost.

I look at the world around me and, for the overwhelming portion, I want nothing to do with the species that I share a genetic heritage with. I don’t like people. I don’t like what they do to the world around them, I don’t like what they do to each other, I don’t like that I am just as much a part of the degrading system.
What is the nature of man? I don’t understand the TV nation. I don’t understand the entertainment juggernaut. I don’t understand the political Hyde. I don’t understand the religious hypocrisy. Not what they are, but how they became. Having nostalgia for an age that never was, in a country that never existed.

People can do great things if they put their minds to it, but from my perception of the world they seem more inclined to commit atrocities, and try to convince the world that it was an altruistically motivated event.
It’s not a war in iraq, it’s protecting the poor Iraqis right to a democracy. It’s not discrimination against gays, it’s protecting marriage. They’re not removing our personal freedoms, they are protecting us from mad terrorists. They’re not destroying the environment, they’re protecting jobs. They’re not reducing freedom of speech, they’re protecting the children.

You know what, fuck off with your protecting these things.

If Iraqis wanted democracy they would have revolted. Marriage is a word, a definition, not a person who can’t defend themselves. Our freedom is what you say the terrorists wanted to take away, so you are not protecting us from them, you are becoming them. People can get other jobs & other industries will rise up. Parents are supposed to protect children, don’t punish me because they don’t.

ah, well...


Chase Edwards Cooper said...

This is a great post and reinforces the concept that people are willing to produce creative explanations for actions that would – or should, rather – be viewed as wrong. Good intent should never justify bad actions.

Unfortunately, it is.

DeHuman8 said...

one of the things that perpetually amazes me is people's ability to deny their own hypocrisy. For example people claiming to be the only ‘true’ patriots of the american way, who believe that there should be no separation of church & state. They are either unable or unwilling to see the fact that this goes against EVERYTHING that it mean to be a ‘patriotic’ american. People who don’t believe that freedom of press is ‘truely’ american. And the list goes on. It’s depressing really.