May 19, 2005

Who is this God Guy Anyway?

So it’s the 25th anniversary of Mt. St. Helens blowing its top. And here’s what was said at a commemorative ceremony:

"We commemorate the 25th anniversary of an act of God, and we remember those who died," Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns told visitors.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but haven’t we know for quite some time that volcanoes are not god jizzing on us? I mean at least have the decency to say it was due to ‘intelligent design.’
It certainly didn’t happen due to anything like, oh, I don’t know, plate tectonics.
That smacks of science, and, as we all know science is bad.

I really don’t like the whole ‘act of god’ being used to describe natural phenomena. Hell, insurance won’t cover certain ‘acts of god.’
As far as I’m concerned they may as well be saying ‘acts of boogiemen’ are not covered.

And another thing, if Mt. St. Helens blowing its top really was an ‘act of god,’ then wouldn’t it be blasphemy to hold a commemoration of the people he struck down with fiery vengeance? Wouldn’t we all by risking his wrath by being ‘saddened’ by the loss of these obvious heretics?

So either it wasn’t an ‘act of god’, some stupid people died because they refused get out from under an erupting volcano.
Or it was an ‘act of god’ and they were evil, so god gave them a redeye straight to hell.

Either way I’m glad they’re out of the gene pool. Which has nothing to do with where I started.

Fuck it.



DeHuman8 said...

i don't think the word 'god' ever meant natural reality. so it can't be reclaimed, it must be discarded. 'act of nature' is a bit more accurate, but still anthropomorphises a non-thinking phenoema

Chase Edwards Cooper said...

One other thing that I find interesting – if not amusing – is the concept that God is in the past, present, and future, yet when a person dies, it’s said that God took them because he needed them to “help him” in heaven. Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but if God is in the future he’d already know that he would need a particular person. Therefore, he wouldn’t have to place them here on earth in the first place.

Oh, but wait. That ignores the even bigger problem: If God is almighty, why does he need help in the first place?!