May 17, 2005

Then I Remember, I Do Hate the World

Ok, so I found yet another human stupidity that bugs the living fuck out of me. But, some brief background first.

I was looking around amazon for some new reading material, nothing heavy, just some light fluffy, but enjoyable sci-fi/fantasy. I usually will go through the ‘others bought’ and read the synopsis & a couple good reviews & a couple bad reviews, just to see if it seems to be up my alley. So I stumble across this one review, the book received a rather low score for a popular author in the genre, so I was kinda curious as to why & was perusing away.

Anywho, I get to this one review, where the guy writes this tripe:

“How dare u people call ur selves XXXXX fans then bag out his latest book?!? Sure, it is not his greatest, but it is by XXXXX, and that counts for something. For goodness sake, it's a book one and setting up the storey for the next book. And enjoyable read for XXXXX fans, (if u dare call ur self that) and enjoyable read for those how are starting XXXXX, but this would not be the best book to start on. Sure, he repeats himself a little with storey line and all, but the characters are likeable and for goodness sake........IT'S BY XXXXX WHICH MAKES IT A DAMN FINE BOOK!!!”

now aside from the obvious conflict, having piss-poor grammar in a literary review, his only real argument for the book being good is that he is a fan of the author. Like there is some unwritten rule that in order to be a fan of something you give up the right to ever look at their work critically.
Hell, from that perspective, if you were a true fan of baskin-robins, then you would have to like every flavor ever made, or yet to come.
"HEY KIDS! New poop flavored ice cream, you’ve gotta like it cause you’re a fan of ice cream!!!"

Anyway the whole thing just bothered me so, I thought that I would share my ire.

And speaking of ire, this one is from a corporate stupidity; I went to my local grocery store for lunch today, and saw a big fucking sign on all their doors:

“You are now entering a gimmick-free zone.”

Now this one really pissed me off, especially being one that hates gimmicks. They are one of the lowest forms of advertising, glitz & flash used to sell inferior products to the bovine masses.
(the bovine masses piss me off for not demanding that more eloquent forms of advertising evolve. I still wouldn’t like advertising but at least it might be more entertaining.)

anyway, this “gimmick-free zone” pissed me off for a couple of potential reasons.

First the advertisers thought it would be a good idea to say “gimmick-free zone”, fully realizing that in saying thus it was, in fact, turning the entire store into a gimmick. Which would just bug the ever-living fuck out of me.
I want to shop at a place with food, not a slogan.

Or, what is more likely, their ad execs were too stupid to realize the cluster fuck they made in such a promotion.

Or a possible third option, also somewhat likely, the ad execs thought the buying public was too stupid to catch the logic flaw in a “gimmick-free zone”.

Either way I want to find the fucker responsibly for this travesty of a slogan and drown him in horse piss.

Ah well



Unknown said...

Basically people refuse to use critical thinking and thus follow the "leaders".

What I have found is that people who use critical thinking ARE the leaders, whether they like it or not.

Then again, it can be hard to herd critical thinking cats.

Anonymous said...

poop cream!