May 10, 2005

Evil 616, Fear it.

So as many of you may already know 666 is not the number of the beast, just a neighbor, maybe 666 is on the same block, maybe the next block up from 616 the true number of the beast (who most likely went by the name Nero). This just makes me laugh, anyone else remember televangelists rambling about the # of the beast? Well, they were all spooked by satan’s neighbor. All the proofs that bush, or prince charles’ were the anti-christ because of the tie to 666, proven bullshit. Thousands of metal-heads saluting stan devin, up the street from el Diablo. Of course, I sincerely doubt that any religious head will admit that they’ve been duped from poor translations of their holy books. That would mean they might have to critically look at the whole thing to see what else was mis-translated. And that could bring into question the entire christian faith’s doctrine. If the christian doctrines do incorporate the new number they will most probably ignore the idea that if they were wrong on this interpretation then they are probably wrong on MUCH more. Ah well, at least the official church of satan id taking it well

"satanists responded coolly to the new 'Revelation'. Peter Gilmore, High Priest of the Church of Satan, based in New York, said: 'By using 666 we're using something that the Christians fear. Mind you, if they do switch to 616 being the number of the beast then we'll start using that.'"



Chase Edwards Cooper said...

I came across this item on KNAC’s site last night, and they humorously pondered the impact that this will have on future Iron Maiden albums.

It’s funny to see how religions are so flexible, isn’t it? I’d be willing to bet that we could say that 867-5309 is the number of the beast and a few Christians would be primed to take Tommy Tutone to the cleaners.

The Church of Satan has always been fun to watch, too, especially considering that they take themselves as seriously as any other religion. I can only imagine where they’d be today if it hadn’t been discovered that the late Anton LaVey was a complete fraud.

Maybe Satan will come and steal my soul for saying that.

DeHuman8 said...

hmm.... Tommy Tutone, the anti-christ? that might just have some validity.

Unknown said...

Hmm, if you hoild your hands just right while doing the "Whatever" symbol with both looks like 616!

Guess I have been Satan worshipping all along!
