May 18, 2005


Inspiration is an odd thing. Sometimes, like today, I’m thoroughly uninspired. Nothing at all today has caught my fancy, irritated me, or even mildly amused me. And for some reason my mind doesn’t feel like having any real thoughts. The only reason I’m even commenting upon this is I want to stay in the habit of writing in this nether void. It leads me to wonder at what the hell inspiration is. What causes the desire in some to create something? I know, one of the oldest questions mankind has. So I sure as hell am not going to come up with an answer, especially when I’m this thoroughly apathetic to my entire surrounds.

Ah well.
Fuck it.



Unknown said...

Creation comes from emotion.

Whether good or bad it can inspire.

Apathy on the other hand does not inspire.

Whether it counts as an emotion is up to your definition. :)

DeHuman8 said...

that is a shallow response, everything humans does is tainted by emotion, i could just as easily say 'creation comes from breathing'. if something is an innate pert of the human condition then of course everything comes from it.

yet everyone feels emotion, but not everyone feels the desire to create (or, even those who do create have the need/desire at different degrees). so what in the equation is different?

DeHuman8 said...

no AZ you really don't.....hit your head with a brick a few times for me would ya?