February 09, 2005

down with the god squad

I hate the idea of god. I hate what his believers do in his name. I don’t believe in god. I do believe god to be a fictitious creation designed to control people. The universe is only self aware in the sense that some life exists that can observe it. That’s it no master plan, no divine right. Get over it. We should be at the point in human evolution where we can put away some of the toys of our childhood. Most people find it foolish to believe in the greek gods in today’s era. The judea god is just as foolish people. I know my words won't change your mind. What little you have left. Something about religious zealotry removes the logic centers from the human mind, generally through years of conditioning. It makes sense, if you voluntarily have faith in something so outlandish, you must gain experience at subduing your own higher brain functions, and like anything unused it atrophies. However they do gain an increased performance in the self-righteous centers. They also excel at justification for atrocities. I hate the fact that religious zealots are taking control of our country. Forcing their misguided beliefs down my throat legislatively. (http://www.theocracywatch.org/) in the words of tom jefferson
"This country, which has given to the world the example of physical liberty, owes to it that of moral emancipation also. For as yet, it is but nominal with us. The inquisition of public opinion overwhelms in practice the freedom asserted by the laws in theory." --Thomas Jefferson to John Adams, 1821.
we haven’t improved that much in some senses.

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