February 03, 2005


I’m raving like a madman, shouting out disjointed ravings at the mimes who wander past. They start ‘walking in the wind’ for a moment or two before breaking free of my caustic grip. I can almost feel the foam at my mouth dribbling as I snarl and howl meaningless nothings, as if they matter. Eyes burning fever bright with the knowledge only the zealot has, beyond reason, beyond doubt. The mimes fly past vague shadows to preach the teachings to. Don’t even ask what the hell is going on here, know only that all minds are broken somewhere inside. A break to keep all at arms reach on the other side of reality’s illusion. I spit on the random passer by, for they are worth less than nothing. Observing everything while seeing nothing. God I suck! the only thing more worthless than this drivel is the fact that I’m posting it. What sort of desperate plea is this? Another shout into the void. Life will be so much simpler when it’s over. Unless I’m forced to run from carnivorous worms & lizards for all eternity. That would be unpleasant at absolute best. Especially if they had sharpened tongues, tongues that they would slide into orifices to slice off the tender bits from the inside. Ewww, and if the lizards tongues deposited the eggs of the worms, so they’d hatch inside to consume you slowly as you ran from the lizards. That would suck, and not be simpler in the least. But outside of horrors being visited upon your spirit for eternity, life is pretty good.



Unknown said...

This looks deceptively like poetry in prose form.

Are you going soft? :)

I liked it. ;)

DeHuman8 said...

i guess i'm a masochist, if i write peotry then it's self abuse :)

Unknown said...

Yes, but if it is bad poetry then everyone suffers! :)

DeHuman8 said...

so i'm a sadist as well :)