February 14, 2005

God Genes

So I was reading an article awhile ago, some scientist somewhere claims to have found ‘the god gene’. Essentially a string of three genes that if all three are ‘on’ then you go into a monastery for a lifetime of contemplation. Or if all three are ‘off’ you have no gods and all idols are false. So here is a funny scenario I though about.

Religious folk tend to breed at higher rates than atheists. (not using birth control helps with this) so given enough time atheists may be bred out. Thus Darwin may, through the theory of evolution, also be bred out. I found it kinda funny anyway. ah, well, fuck it.

Anyway, one thing that is of perpetual annoyance to me is my inability to write what I think. This may make no sense, but when you take into consideration that I am a very slow typer I think it makes more sense. I have to try and slow down my thought process to get the information out. And while my hands are methodically plodding along my mind is racing ahead. When it gets too far ahead, it has to turn around and see where the hands are. Then it takes off again, and rarely in the same direction as it went the first time. It frustrates me, cause I think I, crap, there it goes again wandering down other paths. Anyway today is valentine’s day. Squirrels are funny. But kinda dumb. So what I’m saying is I should learn to type. I make no sense.

The end


Unknown said...

It takes a while to type fast, but at least you type well enough for government work. :)

Except of course the spelling of my name and the link on your sidebar. *grumble*

DeHuman8 said...

i rite small then? get big ideas say it little? >thumps chest<

DeHuman8 said...

and oops sorry baron

Unknown said...

No worries, you are forgiven....this time!