February 15, 2005


Ok so Monday nights seem to be going well, more people are showing up anyway. we had 60-75 people valentine’s day, which considering the crappy weather was pretty good. I dressed properly for a change (it's tough sometimes, since I sometimes have only a few min at home after work) DJ’ing is very strange sometimes. Sometimes you’ll try a new song out and it’ll do well (most of the time they fly like unaided bricks) everyone is dancing having a great time, the next time you play it (hoping for a new song to bring into rotation) it feels like if I turned the volume down you could hear crickets chirping. Some nights people will only dance to tried (and sometimes tired) songs, other nights they want nothing to do with them but new stuff is great (these nights are rare, but i love 'em). There are always some songs that get people out there, but I want to bring more music into the night. Having a limited cash flow doesn’t help with that either, add into the fact that the music stores around have crap for selection. And American set lists of other clubs are playing the same tired crap we are, and the European clubs are so far ahead of us that I don’t even know where to start, or if folks up here would even enjoy it. Ah, well, done moaning about that stuff. I am glad that we are finally getting enough people that the owner is happy, and no longer on our backs about getting attendance up. I need an influx of great, new, danceable, catchy, grinding, harsh, mellow, cool ass music. And I wish people would stop requesting ‘rough sex’ I mean it’s a good dance song yeah, but I have played it OVER 300 times!! All by request. I mean they have more than one song, several just as good or better than ‘rough sex’. WTF?


Unknown said...

Well, I am glad there was a good turnout for Monday! You guys do a lot of work to keep the Monday thing going.

First off, the US is usually behind Europe when it comes to music. Second Maine is behind most of the US when it comes to music.

So maybe in the next 2 years you will be able to play the "new" stuff. :)

DeHuman8 said...

especially with gothic/industrial, we here in maine are not that far behind the rest of the nation, but europe, holy shit. and europe seems more willing to accept new forms of the music & enjoy it for it's newness