May 02, 2005

Fuck Born-again Fucks

Evolution is a fact. I really wish the dumb as fuck born again christians would get the fuck over themselves and stop trying to turn this country into a theocratic dictatorship. One where everyone is free, free to worship christ or go to jail. And I hate the way microsoft word automatically capitalizes christ.

Fucking christians make me embarrassed to be an american, along with a long list of other things.

So I ask anyone reading this, who is not anon, what embarrasses you most about being an american?


Anonymous said...

The fat. The sheer gluttony of people in this country is revolting.

DeHuman8 said...

technicaly everything is a theory. nothing can truely be proven or disproven.

Chase Edwards Cooper said...

Supposing that we were viewing things in an extremely postmodernist sense we could probably say that there are no facts. With that said, we can still view things that are on a smaller stage and admit to their existence or not.

We can prove that the Red Sox won last year’s World Series; we can prove that Clint Eastwood and John Wayne starred in several westerns throughout their careers; we can prove that the band Faith No More is no longer together.

Yes, these are all extremely minor – perhaps even irrelevant – examples of things in the grand scheme of things, yet each is still provable.

As for what embarrasses me most, I’d have to say the sheer volume of people throughout the country who have taken it upon themselves to decide that they know what is best for all of us as a whole. Too many have determined that their philosophies of life are right for all of us, and the idea that we can think for ourselves as individuals is growing more distant each day.

DeHuman8 said...

one thing that ammuses me is the irony that i to want to force my philosophy onto everyone, at least one aspect of it, live & let live. one of my favorite Jefferson quotes is
'The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.'

and in no way can one's opinions, or philosophy pick pockets, or break limbs, unless backed by illegitimat powers claimed by a government